As we were getting out of the car on a windy day Ivy nervously said, "Oh no, Mommy! It's going to wind my head off!"
We bought Madagascar a few weeks ago and on the way home from the store she was so excited and said, "I can't wait to watch 'Move-it-gascar' when we get home."
We left our kids with a babysitter last weekend and Ivy was pretty upset when we left. Of course when we got back to take her home, she was having so much fun we couldn't get her to leave. In the car on the way home she told us, "I just cried and then I cried again, and then my drops just dried right up."
Kaitlee and Ivy had a friend over the other day and she really wanted to play with something Ivy had. So after about 5 minutes I asked Ivy if she was being nice and sharing with Abby and she said, "No. Not yet, but I sure hope to be able to soon."
I sure do love this girl!!!
We left our kids with a babysitter last weekend and Ivy was pretty upset when we left. Of course when we got back to take her home, she was having so much fun we couldn't get her to leave. In the car on the way home she told us, "I just cried and then I cried again, and then my drops just dried right up."
Kaitlee and Ivy had a friend over the other day and she really wanted to play with something Ivy had. So after about 5 minutes I asked Ivy if she was being nice and sharing with Abby and she said, "No. Not yet, but I sure hope to be able to soon."
I sure do love this girl!!!