23 February 2009

In the Words of Ivy

Ivy is always saying the funniest things and I really wish Jared and I had written more of them down because we seem to forget so quickly, but these are a few things she has said in the past couple weeks that have sure made us laugh.

The other day, the girls were out playing on the deck while Jared was cleaning junk up from our yard that had just been left from construction. Ivy soon noticed what he was doing and said to Kaitlee, "Wow, daddy is a such a good worker!"

As we were getting out of the car on a windy day Ivy nervously said, "Oh no, Mommy! It's going to wind my head off!"

We bought Madagascar a few weeks ago and on the way home from the store she was so excited and said, "I can't wait to watch 'Move-it-gascar' when we get home."

We left our kids with a babysitter last weekend and Ivy was pretty upset when we left. Of course when we got back to take her home, she was having so much fun we couldn't get her to leave. In the car on the way home she told us, "I just cried and then I cried again, and then my drops just dried right up."

Kaitlee and Ivy had a friend over the other day and she really wanted to play with something Ivy had. So after about 5 minutes I asked Ivy if she was being nice and sharing with Abby and she said, "No. Not yet, but I sure hope to be able to soon."

I sure do love this girl!!!

21 February 2009

A Big Day For Miss Kaitlee

Yes, that's right! She actually went through with it. Kaitlee has been wanting to get her ears peirced for months now but her tough daddy made sure she earned them fair and square. She finally accomplished all her goals and was able to get it done. She was soooo excited!!! Everyone had been telling her for weeks how bad it was going to hurt but that didn't seem to scare her one bit. We walked into the store, she quickly picked the earrings she wanted (pink, of course), and with a smile on her face she told the ladies she was ready. The smile quickly faded as they punched the earrings through her ears. I was actually quite surprised that she didn't cry one bit. She sat there and held her breath for a few seconds and finally one of the ladies told her it was okay to cry so she jumped up into my arms and let out like a little hum or something but then she was done and that smile on her face was bigger than ever. But sadly, there is some bad news to this story. They punched one of the holes way lower than the other one so after some serious bribing, we ended up having to take out that earring and in a few days she will have to go through it all again. I'm sure she is thinking that I am the meanest mom ever but I know she would hate having uneven holes when she is older. I'm thinking she will be a little more nervous this time around since she knows what to expect but hopefully she'll do okay. And I just had to throw on some of these cute pictures that we've taken of Kaitlee over the past few weeks. Her favorite thing right now is dressing up like Hannah Montana and running around the house singing The Best of Both Worlds. It makes me happy in my heart!!!

20 February 2009

Poison Ivy is 3!

Ivy's birthday was actually over a month ago on the 12th of January. I know this post is a bit late but I figure better late than never. My parents came out to celebrate with us on her special day. We took her to eat at her all-time fav restaurant "Kung Food Panda" as she calls it. As strange as that seems, all of our kids just love Chinese. (A lot more than I do!)
Then we came home and opened presents and had some yummy cake that my sweet mama made for her. She also got to have a party at Grandma Lynn's and at Grandma Bita's a few weeks later. We celebrated my mom's 60th birthday along with Ivy that day.
Ivy was a little confused having so many different parties. After all the parties were over she kept asking, "Is it my birthday again today?" What a little sweatheart!!! I'm so grateful to have my little Ivy Kadivy.
When she was two months old we came really close to losing her and I'm so thankful she was able to pull through. She is such a tough, healthy little girl now... although she is quite clumsy and accident prone. She has been through a lot in her short 3 years of life. I guess that is what makes her so tough. She has the funniest personality and is always making us laugh. I love you little Ivy Kadivy!!! Happy Birthday!