Ok, so I know it's been like 6 months since I last posted, but I've gotten to the point that blogging is just about the last thing on my list these days. These four kids of mine keep my life so crazy busy there's just no time to waste sitting at the computer. But I know the grandmas and grandpas hardly ever get to see these little ones so for their sake I'm going to try a little harder to keep some pictures posted so they can see more of their cute faces. So here it is in a nutshell. Kaitlee had her kindergarten program which I forgot my camera for. Luckily my mom brought hers so eventually I'm sure I'll get those pictures from her. Now she's on to bigger and better things... like 1st grade (she is so excited to be in school all day). Ivy had her preschool program which was so adorable! She did such a great job!!! She gets to go to Mrs. Lindsay's preschool next year too. She is such an amazing teacher and Ives loves her to pieces! Risa Roo is busy just being a 2 year old, although she will be having a big day here in about a week then it's on to being a 3 year old! Lincoln is still just the cutest little thing I have ever laid eyes on. I love him soooooo much! He just turned 1 last week. Can't believe it's already been a year! My baby is growing up too fast! He's walking and it's seriously the funniest thing. He has the cutest little bowlegged waddle and his feet kind of stick out to the sides. It makes me laugh to watch! I don't know how I got so lucky to have been blessed with all these little ones but I thank my Heavenly Father every day for them. They are my pride and joy!!!
Ivy's Preschool Program

Some of her classmates

Thank goodness for Gramma Bita! She was the only family that was able to come besides me and Jer. My poor daddio was in the hospital with pneumonia earlier that week so he was too sick to come.

Jake and Marissa had their beautiful little boy about a month ago. His name is Beckett.

Lincoln's Birthday

Enjoying his cake

Reesie on the 4-wheeler. Kaitlee bought this and the jeep below with her own money at my friend's yard sale for $10 a piece. Great buy! She is so good to share with her sisters!

My maniac driver Ivy

Kaitlee and her friend Kimball

My boy up on two! You can see from the shiner on his forehead that he hasn't quite mastered the art of walking but he manages to get around.