This is what Reesie did every time we pointed the camera at her. It's pretty much impossible to get a good picture of her right now. I sure hope this phase doesn't last long!

They were so proud of the trophy and Christmas present they got from their teacher

Lots of friends and family came to watch: Grandma Bita & Grandpa Dude, Grandma Lynn & Grandpa Beav, Aunt Kim & Zeke & Macy, Aunt Rissa & Sydney, and our good friends Tanielle, Matayia, Bergen & Elle. So much love and support... Thank you all!!!!
Annual Buckingham Temple Square outing

My sweet little nephew Britton with my friend's baby Tyson. They were both born with Spina Bifida and have had so many trials they have had to go through. Sadly, there will be so many more to come so I'm so glad they will have each other for love and support through it all.